Exclusive Wellborn Spinning Babies Group In-Person Class

Upcoming Classes
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Product Details

* Exclusive Spinning Babies Parent Companion Guide download (email link sent after class)
* 3 Hour Group In-Person Class with Dana Patterson, Spinning Babies Certified Parent Educator, to guide you through the Three Balances and a personal Q&A time
* Class Time: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM
* A support partner is needed in order to get the most out of this class
* Please note that childcare is not provided

Info for Class:
Please be sure to wear comfortable clothes during this class as you will have the opportunity to practice the Spinning Babies® techniques with your support partner. Your Spinning Babies® Companion Workbook will be provided through email after the class, but please bring pen/paper for taking notes. You are welcome to bring your dinner to eat in the first half hour of the class. You are also welcome to bring your own drink/snacks to enjoy during our break.

This class will be held at:
The Doula Group

785 E Butler Road Ste D,
Mauldin, SC 29662
(Located in the Set Apart Health office suite)

Can't make it?
If your schedule has changed and you would like to come to the next Wellborn Exclusive Spinning Babies Parent Class, please let me know.

This class is exclusively offered to parents with Wellborn

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Exclusive Wellborn Spinning Babies Group In-Person Class
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